Advokátní kancelář Štol & Tuháček

JUDr. Miloš Tuháček

Phone: +420 606 215 619, +420 381 254 903

Miloš Tuháček, Ph.D. (d.o.b. 1974) graduated in 1998 from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno with a major in administrative law. He earned a Ph.D. in 2003 from the same school with a thesis on the participation of citizens in local government.

After a year's practice as in house counsel for Lesy České republiky (Forests of the Czech Republic), a state-owned enterprise, in which he dealt with environmental pollution issues and polluters, he went to work for the law firm of Svatomír Mlčoch in České Budějovice. Here his clients included the Czech Environmental Inspection Administration of Protected Landscape Areas of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment.

In 2003, he opened his own firm and in 2007 became a senior partner in the successor firm of Korbel, Tuháček & parners, Attorneys at Law (Advokátní kancelář Korbel, Tuháček & partneři, s.r.o.). The firm’s practice specializes in the representation of its clients in proceedings held before administrative authorities and courts – especially in matters involving environmental laws and regulations. Clients of the firm include Czech state authorities (for example, administrative agencies in charge of national parks and protected areas), municipalities, private businesses, civic associations and individual “ordinary” citizens.

In addition to his practice of the law, Miloš Tuháček has published numerous articles on the field of environmental law and the right of access to information. He is the author of the study “Možnosti přístupu k informacím o projektech podporovaných ze strukturálních fondů EU (Ways to Access Information about Projects Supported by EU Structural Funds)”, which was issued by Transparency International – Czech Republic in 2007.

Miloš also teaches courses on environmental law at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and he is currently serving in his third term as a member of the Tábor City Council.

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